the team

Who is behind Napperon?

My name is Julie, and I really wanted to take the mystery out of lingerie with beautiful, original, unique, comfortable and upcycled products. So I created Napperon.


Julie Debove

"I've always loved lingerie, but I've always had a problem with it. With the sizes, with the image it conveys, with the bodies represented, with the style of the pieces, with the way they're made. Everything. I just couldn't get my head around it. "

The desire to uninhibit lingerie

One day, I felt like treating myself to something pretty in a lingerie shop. I had the worst time of the decade. All the pieces were far too sexy, too small, too expensive, and the sales assistant was far too judgmental. (Needless to say, the clothes were made in China). A lot of disappointments. So I decided to make my own clothes. I took my first sewing course and then followed a few tutorials.

In this approach, I also wanted to reuse already existing materials. The placemats came naturally. They are subtle and delicate. There have always been some at my parents' house.
I specifically remember the one with little embroidered strawberries under the potpourri bowl on the coffee table in the living room.
A few days later, here I am cutting from an old placemat to make my first panties.

It was at that moment that I said two things to myself:
The first: β€œI have a great idea, I’m going to develop it and not just for me!”.
And the second: β€œOn the other hand, I am a very bad seamstress, I will really have to work with people whose job it is.”

A few meetings and a few new prototypes later, everything is confirmed
and this is how Napperon was born.

Seamstress, pattern maker, stylist

Maxine Wattam

Maxine joined me in mid-September when the boutique workshop opened. She is the one who makes all your Napperon pieces on site at the boutique.

The best entourage

Those without whom Napperon would not be here

Thanks to all those people who supported me at one point or another during the project.

Special thanks to Rachel, the best AD ever. I put her site here .

Thanks to Malo, Fred, Lila, CΓ©line, Iaonara, MaΓ―tΓ©, Patricia, Marie-JosΓ©, The PΓ’ques family.

Thanks to my parents and my brother for their support over the past 3 years and their invaluable help.

Thanks to Thibaut for the huge boost on the website!

Thanks to AngΓ©lique and Nathalie Dema for all the modeling and manufacturing work that allows us today to offer you the most beautiful unique and upcycled pieces of lingerie possible.


Our suppliers


Up-cycling; we transform and revalorize existing materials.