
Lightness that will do your body and heart good πŸ’•

We revisit and uninhibit the conventional codes of lingerie and transform demure tops into more impertinent bottoms.


A second life

We upcycle, we transform and revalue existing materials to give them a second life. The other elements necessary for the design of the underwear are made in France or in Europe and when possible, from clearance.

We mainly produce to order to avoid unnecessary stock.


Handmade in Bayonne

For Napperon, local and handmade are non-negotiable criteria. Our seamstress Maxine makes your pieces in our workshop shop in Bayonne. We adapt to the shape and material of each of the placemats. The objective is to revalue them as much as possible and to avoid the loss of fabric as much as possible.


For everyone

You can choose ultra-cute placemats, but also placemats that will make the room sexy thanks to transparency and lace effects. There are all sizes and for all bodies. Our panties are unisex, we adjust the crotch for comfort according to gender . The important thing is to feel good in your room!

Everyone is free to interpret lingerie in their own way.


Up-cycling; we transform and revalorize existing materials.